First trimester recap

Since I didn’t really blog around this time (hello, exhaustion! I thought I’d share what happened the first 3 months this pregnancy.)

We found out about our second pregnancy in early April–the week before my sister in law’s wedding. Since it was so early on in the pregnancy (about 4 weeks at that time), I still felt pretty good overall, but the tiredness was creeping in. I was a little disappointed to not be able to partake in a little wine or beer, but no big deal! I scheduled my first appointment for 8 weeks at Nativiti (highly recommend if you are in the Houston area), where we delivered our son, around that time.

I felt pretty good until about 6 weeks along, which is when the nausea started. I didn’t ever throw up, but felt pretty queasy and I went through a decent length of time where I couldn’t enjoy a lot of food. Food that definitely didn’t sound good was vegetables and certain meats (pretty much anything healthy!). We had just finished a Whole30 (which I credit in part to helping us get pregnant), so it was weird to go from eating super healthy to just eating whatever I could eat. Salty foods have been a craving throughout the past few months.

I have noticed a few things that are different: in the first trimester this time around, the pesky eczema on my hands pretty much went away. In the first trimester with Jimp, it got really BAD and I stopped wearing my rings around 12 weeks. Currently at 25 weeks, I still have them on! Woohoo! I also have chosen to drink 1-2 cups of coffee all throughout this pregnancy. I gave it up in the first tri the first time around. Also the aversions seemed a lot worse this time around in general, instead of sporadically with just few things.


After Mother’s Day brunch at Black Walnut Cafe: about 9 weeks along. This makes me laugh because can you see how tired I was? Also memorable because I was nauseous but so hungry and just happy to find something (an omelette) I could eat and enjoy!


2 thoughts on “First trimester recap

  1. Yay for pregnancy posts!! I’m so glad Dave and I (and CK!) will be in Texas in December so we can hopefully see y’all when baby #2 arrives 🙂

    It’s so interesting that some things have been different–I’ve been curious if some symptoms depend more on the baby or the mom, and it seems like it may be the baby!


    1. Yes! Hopefully little baby will be here when you guys are. I can’t believe we are going to get to introduce all our babies! 🙂 Jimp was 5 days post dates so I am hoping (planning) he/she will be here by Christmas! Overall I’ve felt pretty good (or maybe it’s just the second tri), but I felt decent most of my pregnancy with Jimp so hopefully it lasts!! Hope you’re feeling ok! Not long to go now. 🙂


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